Guide to ordering Horoscopes

  1. Firstname, middlenames, and lastname
  2. Male or Female
  3. Date of Birth: DD-MM-YYYY
  4. Time of Birth: 24:00:00
    1. 24 hours clock (even including seconds if possible)
      This will create the most precise predictions, with lots of details in your horoscope.
    2. Or Unknown Birth Time.
      This will create proper predictions, and much better than the free Horoscope charts.
  5. Birth Location:
    1. Precise GPS latitude, e.q. 55, 41, (North or South), and
      Precise GPS longitude, e.q, 12, 34 (East or West)
      This will create the most precise predictions, with lots of details in your horoscope.
    2. OR GPS latitude and longitude for the center of the birth City.
      This will create proper predictions, with many details in your horoscope, and much better than a free Horoscope chart.
    3. You can find your GPS latitude and longitude Coordinates with a free login using Address to Latitude and Longitude in the Geographic Tools menu on
      Please note: If you e.q. find 55.676098, please use e.q. 55.68 in your order.
    4. If you already think you know your Latitude and Longitude, it’s probably not the GPS coordinates, like this example of the same address:
      GPS Latitude 55, 41, North, and Longitude 12, 34 East
      Latitude 55, 69, and Longitude 12, 56

So without using a free login to, it doesn’t give an exact GPS coordinate, and there will be an significant difference in how precise the Astrological Horoscope predictions can be.

And if we need to combine the 4. b version of the Birth Time,, and the 5 b versions of the Birth Locations Latitude and Longitude, it will hurt even more about how precise our prediction can be. But it will still be much better than a free Horoscope chart.

  1. You can find your UTC/GMT timezone using the Current Offset after selecting a state or city when typing your Country using:

    1. Denmark
    2. Copenhagen
      Like e.q. UTC/GMT +1 hours
  2. We automatically select DST (Daylight Saving Times) in all our Horoscopes.